Today I went up to school and heard a couple of great photographers from Connecticut, Mary and Justin Marantz. They were amazingly inspirational and enjoyed there talk alot. I took away a lot of good ideas and there approach to clients was great. Lots of stuff to take home.
I had dinner with Dan Bress the other night that was great. We went to Judy's in Amherst. I was hoping that Jaime was working but she wasn't. We had a great talk.

The picture above was taken yesterday around Talcott Mountain. I went to look at a place in CT. I still would love to move back.
The picture to the left was taken this afternoon as the soon was seeting in Sunderland, MA beside the Connecticut river. I love the convenience of the GPS and being able to tag places to come back to photograph latter which is what I did with this location.
The last photography was taken yesterday around Northampton as I walked around with Eli. We had lunch together and then he let me hang at his place which was just great! He even let me dry my socks since they were really wet.
Well let me know what you think of the blog and all the photos.
Have a great day!