Sunday, June 21, 2009

end of fathers day.

It was a great fathers day.

I went to church with my dad and Irene and then joined Mark, Jerry 
Ann, and Blake at El Chico for lunch.

We had home made ice cream after that at dad's.

Happy Fathers Day!

Today is fathers day.  I am so fortunate to be able to spend it with my father and brother.  I hope all fathers have a great day.

The pictures to the right were taken at Bears Den up near Athol.  I have been there a numer of times and it is a great place for a quick relaxing walk.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

In Texas.

I am in Texas till the 11th of July.  It is good to spend time with family and old friends.  

I am setting up portrait sessions while I am here and also setting up sessions for the fall when I am back in New England.  If anyone needs any photos drop me a line at joedon

Have a great day.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Catching up.

I continue to try to catchup on my 365 postings.  I continue to shoot each day though I don't post each day.  

I am flying home tomorrow.  It will be great to see everyone in Texas.  

I hope you enjoy the preceding photos and have a great day.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Catching up.

I really like this first image.  It was taken at Camp Beckett in Mass.  With sunsets your exposure has to be right with the highlights not being overexposed while the dark tones fade to the background.  

The second photo was done at Jewell with some of the new summer staff.  I threw in a little fill to emphasize their faces.  Like this one a lot as well.

The next couple continue my flag series.

The last one is a beautiful waterfall in Montague, Mass.

Have a great day and don't forget to email if you need pics of your family

Friday, June 5, 2009


Not much time is left in western Mass.   I am flying home to Texas on the 15th and returning on the 11th of June.  I will then be working at Camp Jewell from the 12th of July to the end of the first week in August.  Then I will be going back to McGrath.

I am taking appointments while I am in Texas as well as weekends in the fall.  Let me know if you need anything

Monday, June 1, 2009

Time for new 365 Photos.

I continue my quest for the 365 photo.  I am taking at least one photo everyday and then posting it to my blog.

The first is the son going down in Hampshire County.

The second photo is of Sawyer.  I really like the childlikeness of it.  I am so fortunate to have friends like Claudia and Marcus.

If you have anyone at your house that would like to have pics like I did of Sawyer drop me a line at

Have a great day!