Sunday, March 15, 2009

 I love this photo.  It is of Stanley the pig at Jewell.  He looks so proud.  I really like it alot.  I hope you do as well.

Yesterday was a fabulous day.  I went to Iron sharpens Iron in Bloomfield.  It was great to get to gether wih fellow Brothers in Christ.  We had some amazing speakers. 

Last night I went to Becky's surprise birthday party.  Mo did such a good job of gettting things together.  She was so surprised.  We had at least 50 people show up with at least 15 kids ranging from knee high to tweens.  Lots of energy in the house.  Karen even flew in from Texas.  Dave and Katy were nice enough to let me take there picture.

The last picture was taken in Turners while driving around.  

I am praying that all is well with you and your family.  In Christ.

1 comment:

Matt and Jen said...

Hey friend! How are you doing? I really like looking at your pics and I wanted to tell you that I truly love the picture of Stanley. Also, I thought about and talked about you today. We were having a discussion about Crew's podcasts and having friends in other states that listen, and i got to say, "Hey! Joe Don's said that he does!" Also, wanted to let you know that there aren't any new one's up b/c we've run out of server space on our website, so we're investigating options on clearing that up.

So, the news on this end...I'm applying for a new job at Marshall. It's exactly what I do, minus everything I don't like. So, praying hard about that. Also, I was asked to become a small group leader at Crew and I'm super excited about starting that leadership process. Starting a book discussion with my friend Anna, "Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands" and hoping to develop a deep relationship based on accountability and prayerful support. Maybe going to Florida for my birthday in a couple of weeks and Philly in early May. Can't wait!

Hopefully I'll get a chance to talk to you this week and hear about your life right now. :-) Take care, friend!

Love, Jen.